Athena 10X Pheromones Review

Athena Pheromones

In this article, I review the Athena 10X pheromone oil for men.

About Athena 10X Pheromones

Athena 10X Pheromones was developed in 1993 by Dr. Winnifred B Cutler who is the President and Founder of the Athena Institute which is located in Pennsylvania in the United States. The product should not be mistaken for an aphrodisiac because it is not.

It’s a pheromone-based product which has been designed and formulated specifically for the purpose of increasing a woman’s romantic attention when they are in the presence of a man who is using the product.

To a certain degree, one could even describe it as being a fragrance optimizer which is designed to make your favorite cologne or aftershave even more appealing and more attractive to members of the opposite sex. Any good quality cologne is designed to try and make men appear more attractive to women, but where colognes rely on a woman’s sense of smell, pheromones rely on human biology. Their scent cannot even be detected by the conscious mind.

In the case of President and Founder of the Athena Institute, it’s worthwhile noting that Dr. Cutler who developed this product, spent no less than 25 years of his career life doing reproductive biology research.

*It’s important to note that results do vary on an individual basis.

Recommended: 2019 Top-Pheromones Review

What I Learned About Athena Pheromones

  • In Business for 14 years – Athena 10X Pheromones was launched way back in 1993 which mean it has been on the market for the last 14 years.
  • No Added Fragrance – There are no natural or artificial fragrances added to Athena 10X Pheromones so it does not alter or interfere with the smell of your cologne or aftershave to which it is added.
  • Professionally Developed – Athena 10X Pheromones was developed by Dr. Winnifred B Cutler, a medical professional with an incredibly impressive portfolio. She has also been credited as a co-founder of human pheromones in 1986.
  • Relatively Mild – This is not based on my own personal experience, but I am mentioning it because while I was doing my research, it became apparent that there are quite a few guys out there who feel that Athena 10X Pheromones are not as potent as some other brands.
  • A Bit Pricey – At the time of me writing this review, Athena 10X Pheromones was available for order at $99.50 including free standard shipping. While this is not excessively expensive, I do think some people will be put off. Especially since there is no guarantee that this product will, in fact, work for you.
  • Not a Standalone Product – Athena 10X Pheromones is not intended for use as a standalone product, but instead, you are meant to add the contents of the vial to a few ounces of your regular aftershave.

Can Athena Pheromones Turn Your Sex Life Around?

Well, I guess it all depends on you as an individual. Are you an outgoing sort of guy who is confident enough to approach anyone who catches your attention, or are you an introvert who tries to avoid social interaction as much as possible.

What I am saying here is that if you won’t even try and talk to a woman because you are too shy or because you fear rejection, then I don’t think any pheromone-based product can help you, including Athena 10X Pheromones. If on the other hand you just need a little bit of help, then sure, go ahead and get yourself some pheromones.

  • 74%
    Sexual Effects - 74%
  • 80%
    Social Effects - 80%
  • 77%
    Value - 77%


Dr. Cutler’s Athena pheromones are one of the first products to hit the market. They have garnered popularity by being featured on television. However, their formula has come under scrutiny and there is a wide-rand of ultra-powerful pheromones on the market.

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Athena Institute Pheromones
Article Name
Athena Institute Pheromones
Athena Pheromones were developed by Dr. Winnifred Cutler, a prominent researcher in the discovery of human pheromones. Athena pheromones are formulated for men and women. This includes their 10:10 and 10:13 pheromones, respectively.
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About Mark Alexander 84 Articles
My obsession with pheromone began when I chosen as a subject for a study on how effective pheromones were. I was shocked with the results.

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